
P-3 Implementation Efforts

These are explicit P-3 approaches currently or recently implemented in this state. Examples at different levels of implementation are highlighted—community, single school, district, regional, and state.

  • [ School ]

    Early Works: Pre-natal to 3rd Grade Learning Laboratories

    Earl Boyles Elementary School and Yoncalla Elementary School

    Early Works was launched in two Oregon communities to demonstrate a new approach to education and healthy development for young children and their families. The approach is driven by parents, educators, and partners in the community and grounded in what research has shown children and families need to thrive.

    The initiative works to implement an integrated set of policies and services in early learning, health and family engagement and brings together various partners working on behalf of children and families. The goal is to create a seamless system that supports children in their critical years from birth through third grade.

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  • [ District ]

    Early School Success

    Children's Institute

    Early School Success (ESS) is an initiative that engages school districts and their early learning partners to bring together preschool and elementary school communities to create rich, consistent learning environments for young children. Anchored in instructional alignment, ESS will use pivotal instructional practices, professional learning, and family engagement strategies to improve outcomes for children and transform educational practice.

    ESS launched in Spring 2019 with two pilot districts: Forest Grove and Beaverton.

    Children’s Institute hopes the initiative will help transform how educators and districts deliver early education, shape state policy, and improve learning experiences for young children in Oregon.

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