COVID-19 and P-3
Schools, communities, and educators across the country are leaping into uncharted territory to support young students and families during the pandemic. We are curating information specific to early learning and the early grades.
At-Home Teaching and Learningin PreK-3rd Grade
We were invited by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) to present on our At-Home Teaching and Learning Resource. The webinar was held on April 21, 2020 and was delivered to an audience of 150 NAESP members. Click below for the recording.
School-based PreK, Kindergarten, and the Early GradesFall Re-Entry PLanning in a Pandemic
As states and school districts navigate plans for Fall 2020, we are hosting a series of conversations with education decisionmakers in state education agencies (SEAs) and school districts. We believe better and smarter ideas emerge when colleagues have the space for open discussion and deliberation. This resource provides a summary of our conversations to date and an overview of these topics:
- Kindergarten Registration/Enrollment for fall 2020
- Transition to Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEA)
- Re-opening Scenarios for PreK-3rd Grade
- Effective On-Line/At-Home “School” for PreK-3rd Grade
COVID-19 Guidance Across P-3 Programs and Funding Streams
School-based PreK programs are in a unique situation as they plan for fall 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been extensive focus on child care programs since they were deemed an essential service. While school-based PreK programs have much to learn from the child care sector, they also operate in a different context and must manage multiple rules, regulations, and standards that child care programs do not. To begin to make sense of this, we did a side-by-side comparison of COVID-19 guidances issued in just one state (Colorado). Intended to be a resource for Colorado school districts and other stakeholders, it may also be a useful template for other states to adopt/adapt.
Far from exhaustive, this document will be continually updated as new guidance is issued, and as circumstances evolve..
Examples ofSupports
We are not compiling or curating a list of the countless websites, educational apps, activities, livestreams, and other virtual resources that are flooding inboxes and social media sites. We believe that we all learn best by example. There are countless innovations happening every day in schools and communities across the country. Here we highlight exemplary P-3 efforts and resources to inspire and inform your own.
Boston Public Schools
Denver Public Schools