
P-3 Implementation Efforts

These are explicit P-3 approaches currently or recently implemented in this state. Examples at different levels of implementation are highlighted—community, single school, district, regional, and state.

  • [ District ]

    Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Group

    Bremerton School District

    Bremerton School District works with Head Start, community preschools, child care providers, and families to build a strong foundation in social and emotional learning, numeracy, and literacy. These efforts are formalized through the Early Childhood Care & Education Group (ECCE). The school district shares resources with the wide array of early learning partners, including providing access to an instructional coach, reading curriculum, math and STEM materials, staff development opportunities, and shared child assessment data.

    In addition, the district leads efforts to align standards (benchmarks), assessments (formal and informal), and instruction among the various early learning programs and partners. This comprehensive approach to school readiness is followed by a strong Full-Day Kindergarten for all children and alignment efforts continue up the grades. All elementary school principals consider themselves to be P-3, P-5/8 principals and open their doors and events to our community preschools.

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  • [ District ]

    West Valley PreK Initiative

    West Valley School District #208

    The West Valley School District in Yakima, WA partners with early learning providers to align curriculum, instruction, assessment, and family engagement strategies. The P-3 Leadership Team, which includes district and community-based ECE leaders, meets on a monthly basis to guide this work.

    The district’s extensive engagement with early learning includes: PreK Workshops that provide professional development; Official Partner meetings to align instructional practices; a Play and Learn group for families during the school year; and, in the summer prior to Kindergarten, PreK students are provided a “Jump Start to Kindergarten” with four weeks of instruction. In addition, the districts hosts a Parent Child Home Program through which families with 3- and 4-year old children are provided learning materials during home visits, and “Family, Friend, and Neighbor” caregivers receive services through a pilot project.

    Early learning teachers are also included in the district’s professional development for K-3 teachers (e.g., First Steps in Math; Project GLAD; and Developmental Writing).

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