Administrator Effectiveness

Framework in Action: Administrator Effectiveness

The Framework in Action series expands on the Framework for Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating P-3 Approaches and provides brief research reviews, practical strategies, and guidance for creating meaningful and tangible change in communities. Each Framework in Action corresponds with one of the eight buckets of alignment effort identified as essential to high-quality and comprehensive P-3 […]

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Tradeoffs: Elementary Principals on Hiring and Staffing in the Early Grades

This brief presents the argument that while staffing and hiring decisions are complex and tradeoffs need to be considered, principals should be careful not to undervalue the early elementary grades, inclusive of PreK, because the foundational skills built in these years are imperative to students’ future success in school and in life.

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A False Dichotomy: Elementary Principals on Academics and Play

Research suggests that play, particularly up through 3rd grade, has become less prevalent in classrooms. The authors argue that with greater knowledge of child development and appropriate practices, principals would be more likely to understand that scaffolded play can and does lead to learning. In this brief, they conclude that principals who know best practices in

A False Dichotomy: Elementary Principals on Academics and Play Read More »

Why Elementary School Principals Matter

In order for elementary school principals to be effective early education leaders, they must establish a PreK-3rd grade culture and continuum within their schools; build relationships with families and other community early education providers; and ensure effective, developmentally-appropriate teaching and assessment within their schools. Further, to ensure that principals are knowledgeable about the unique nature of

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Leading for the Early Years: Principals’ Reflections on the Need for Better Preparation

To effectively oversee PreK through 3rd grade teachers and classrooms, principals need to have an understanding of child development and how young children learn. This brief concludes that by incorporating early childhood content into preparation programs for new principals, and by providing ongoing professional development for existing principals, policymakers could help to ensure that elementary school

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Bringing it All Together: Elementary Principals are Key to Strong PreK-3rd Grade Classrooms

This brief presents four actions for states and school districts to better support elementary school principals: [1] states should incorporate early childhood education into principal preparation programs; [2] states and school districts should provide ongoing professional learning opportunities related to early education; [3] states and school districts should invest in opportunities to bring elementary school

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Connecting Pre-K and the Early Grades: Principals on Transitions

This policy brief argues that child care centers and Head Start programs should not be the only agencies trying to help their families navigate the new world of Kindergarten and elementary school. It asserts that elementary school principals should recognize the value in establishing relationships with center administrators and building connections between what happens before

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Starting Strong: Pre-K Through Third Grade Success Stories From Across Minnesota

This report features profiles of six schools and districts in Minnesota that have implemented inventive PreK-3rd grade alignment strategies. Site visits to these settings proved that focused, intentional efforts in areas such as effective leadership, data-driven instruction, and engaged families can have huge impacts on student achievement and school culture. 

Starting Strong: Pre-K Through Third Grade Success Stories From Across Minnesota Read More »

Leading Pre-K-3 Learning Communities: Competencies for Effective Principal Practice

This guide supports principals to create and support connections between the worlds of birth-to-five and K-12 and to help them implement developmentally-appropriate teaching and learning practices to ensure successful PreK-3rd grade continuums in their schools. For the policymaker, this guide provides a research base that demonstrates the enormous dividends children gain through investments in early education

Leading Pre-K-3 Learning Communities: Competencies for Effective Principal Practice Read More »

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